Thursday, November 21, 2013

Space Opera
Shards of Honor

This book was also one of the genres that I usually do not pick for my preferences. It was slow to me at first, but then it gradually started to pick up. I typically don't read this type of genre, but I gave it a shot. It wasn't that bad actually. It just took me some time to get into it.

The story kicks off instantly. Usually when reading books they don't always start off with a drastic event, however this one did. Our main character, Cordelia and her crew are exploring a new world, and then her camp is attacked. She is shocked to see a solider that she has never seen before, and ends up hitting her head on a rock and rendering her unconscious. When she eventually comes to, she discovers that most of her crew has escaped, but now she is stranded with two men. One of the men is an injured crewman of her ship and the other is Captain Lord Aral and is is known as the "Butcher of Komarr", but he is there because he was seen as a traitor where he was from.

They all end up working together to hike to a secret Barrayaran base to seek help. Along the way Cordelia slowly starts to change her opinion of Aral as she starts to see his true character. She soon realizes that her is nothing like the stories say, and that he is not cruel an ruthless. She soon finds herself having feelings for him, and he also has mutual feelings toward her. What eventually happens is that he asks her to marry him and she says yes. Things aren't as easy as they seem because Cordelia must try to get her crew and the people to understand that Aral is not dangerous. She wants to marry him without having problems with the others.

To me the romance was a little bit too sudden. It reminded me of the classic good girl likes bad boy scenario. All in all it was a pretty good book and an easy read. I just wish that the romance could have developed in a deeper way. I like when things get a little crazy. It helps develop an attachment to the characters and makes you become even more immersed in the book.

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